The Work Avenue Foundation (WA) Adult Safeguarding Policy

1. Introduction

1.1. In this document, an adult is anyone who is 18 years and over. There is a separate Work Avenue (WA) Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures, which should be followed if there are concerns about anyone aged under 18.

1.2. WA aims to provide our clients with essential, lifelong skills to support themselves and their families, and to make a positive contribution to a strong and safe community.

1.3. As a charity, safeguarding adults is a key part of our mission and we are therefore committed to safeguarding all adults with whom we come into contact. We have additional, legal safeguarding responsibilities when we encounter an adult at risk of harm (‘adult at risk’). This is anyone over the age of 18 with care and support needs; who is at risk of, or is experiencing, abuse or neglect; and, as a result of those needs, is unable to protect themself.

1.4. Our Adult Safeguarding Policy (the ‘Policy’) establishes a framework to ensure that WA undertakes its safeguarding responsibilities effectively, and responds to concerns appropriately.

1.5. The Policy should be read in conjunction with the WA Adult Safeguarding Procedures (the ‘Procedures’), which contains information on what to do and who to speak to if anyone involved in WA has a safeguarding concern relating to an adult. It also explains how WA will deal with any safeguarding concerns that are received and includes guidance on terminology, as well as additional sources of information and support.

2. Policy Statement

2.1. Safeguarding the welfare of adults is paramount in all the work we do and the decisions we take.

2.2. We are committed to creating a safe environment for all adults with whom we come into contact, whether through our activities or within our organisation, in line with national legislation, relevant national and local guidelines, and Charity regulation.

2.3. We believe that everyone has the right to live in safety, free from abuse or neglect, regardless of age, disability, race, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy/maternity leave status, or marital status.

2.4. We understand that health, well-being, disability, and care and support needs can affect a person’s resilience, whilst some people experience barriers to seeking help, such as communication difficulties. These factors can vary at different points in people’s lives.

2.5. We are committed to creating a culture of zero-tolerance of harm or abuse to any adult involved in WA, necessitating the recognition of adults who may be at risk and the circumstances that can increase risk, and being willing to report safeguarding concerns. This extends to recognising and reporting harm or abuse experienced anywhere.

2.6. We recognise that there is a legal framework within which we need to work to safeguard adults at risk. We will act in accordance with the relevant adult safeguarding legislation and local statutory safeguarding procedures.

2.7. Working in partnership with adults is essential to promoting their wellbeing. Actions taken by WA will be consistent with the principles of adult safeguarding (as set out in the Procedure), ensuring that any action taken is prompt, proportionate and that it includes and respects the views of the adult concerned.

2.8. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and everyone must play their full part
in contributing to an environment where people are listened to, concerns are acted upon appropriately, and views and wishes are taken seriously.

3. Scope

3.1. The Policy:

• Applies to all individuals associated with WA, including staff, volunteers, consultants, and Trustees (together referred to as ‘WA Representatives’). All individuals associated with WA, including WE Hub members, are asked to confirm that they have read this policy and share WA’s commitment to safeguarding.

• Relates to concerns about the safety of all adults coming into contact with WA, including WA Representatives, donors, and those who benefit from our services and activities, whether face-to-face or online.

• Encompasses all activities run by or in association with WA, including face-to-face activities in any location, and online activities.

• Does not cover safeguarding people under the age of 18. Those working with children should refer to the WA Child Safeguarding Policy (and accompanying Procedure).

4. Purpose

4.1. This Policy:

o Demonstrates WA’s commitment to safeguarding all adults, and our approach to safeguarding adults at risk, recognising the specific legal duties that arise in that event.

o Sets out the safeguarding expectations for all WA Representatives, ensuring they have a clear understanding of:

 The legislation, policies and procedures for safeguarding adults.

 Their role and responsibility for safeguarding adults

4.2. The accompanying Procedure contains more detailed guidance on how to identify and respond to a safeguarding concern relating to an adult, who to contact, and an overview of the processes which will be followed by WA, as explained in the Introduction above.

5. Commitments

5.1. WA will ensure that;

• All WA Representatives, as well as all participants in WA and their families, know what to do, and who to contact, if they have a safeguarding concern about an adult.

• Any concern that an adult is not safe is taken seriously, responded to promptly, and followed up in line with the Policy, Procedure and related policies/procedures.

• We cooperate with the Police and relevant Local Authorities in taking action to safeguard an adult.

• The wellbeing of those at risk of harm are put first and the adult supported to communicate their views and the outcomes they want to achieve. Those views and wishes will be respected and supported unless there are overriding reasons not to (see the Procedure for further information).

• We share information about anyone found to be a risk to adults with the appropriate bodies, for example, the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), Police, Local Authority and any other appropriate regulatory body.

• We will report to the Charity Commission in the event of a serious safeguarding incident.

• We maintain and securely store confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns, in line with the WA Data Protection Policy and Document Retention Policy.

6. Implementation

6.1. In order to implement our commitments, we will have the following in place:

• A clear line of accountability within WA for the safety and welfare of all adults, with a Designated Safeguarding Lead (the ‘DSL’), supported by a Lead Trustee for Safeguarding. See section 7 below for more information.

• The policies and procedures set out in section 8 below, that adopt adult safeguarding best practice and are consistent with this Policy. In this regard:

o The policies and procedures include:

 The Procedure document which deals effectively with any adult safeguarding concerns and explains who to contact if there is such a concern.

 A Code of Conduct for WA Representatives which specifies zero tolerance of abuse in any form

 Complaints and whistleblowing procedures that ensure allegations against WA Representatives, or about poor practice, are dealt with appropriately.

o They are reviewed no less than every two years, and whenever there are changes in relevant legislation and/or government guidance, or as a result of any other significant change or event.

• The Policy and Procedures are both published on the WA website, so that they are readily accessible to everyone involved in WA.

• Safer recruitment procedures for WA Representatives, ensuring all necessary checks are made, including a check with the DBS, if appropriate.

• Adult safeguarding training for all WA Representatives appropriate to their role, both on induction and on an ongoing basis.

• Arrangements to work effectively with other relevant agencies, including arrangements for sharing information.

• Annual reports to the Trustees on actions taken under this Policy as well as regular risk assessments that cover adult safeguarding and how such risks are being addressed.

7. Roles and Responsibilities

7.1. All WA Representatives, irrespective of their role, have a part to play in safeguarding adults. They must:

o Familiarise themselves with the Policy, Procedure and related procedures and understand their role and responsibility for safeguarding adults, including what to do and who to contact if they have a concern.

o Complete and stay up to date with adult safeguarding training relevant to their role.

7.2. The DSL will be responsible for overseeing all WA adult safeguarding arrangements and their responsibilities shall include:

o Advising on, and responding to, all safeguarding concerns, allegations or disclosures.

o Making safeguarding referrals to, and managing liaison with, statutory agencies.

o Maintaining and reviewing the Policy, Procedure and related policies, disseminating them to all WA Representatives and ensuring they are readily accessible.

o Ensuring safe recruitment practices and that DBS checks are undertaken, when necessary.

o Ensuring that all WA Representatives attend relevant safeguarding training on induction and at least once every three years.

o Keeping written records, in line with WA policies, data protection law and best practice.

o Reporting to the Board of Trustees regularly on how safeguarding risks and any reports are being addressed.

7.3. The Lead Trustee for Safeguarding will support the DSL and act as an alternative point of contact for WA Representatives, in cases where it would not be appropriate to report to the DSL.

7.4. The Board of Trustees shall approve the Policy and Procedure and has a duty of care to ensure that WA fulfils its safeguarding responsibilities.

8. Supporting policies and procedures

8.1. The Policy should be read in conjunction with the following WA policies and procedures, which adopt adult safeguarding best practice:

o Adult Safeguarding Procedure

o Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedure

o A Code of Conduct for all WA Representatives

o Trustee Code of Conduct Policy (for Trustees only)

o Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure

o Conflicts of Interest Policy

o Equality and Diversity Policy

o Health and Safety Policy

o Privacy Policy

o Data Protection Policy and Data Protection Impact Assessments Policy

o Document Retention Policy

o Complaints Policy and Procedures

o Risk Management Policy and Procedure.

9. Legislation and guidance

9.1. The principal pieces of legislation and guidance governing and underpinning this Policy and associated Procedure are:

• Care Act 2014 and the Care and Support Statutory Guidance 2014

• London Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

• The Equality Act 2010

• The Human Rights Act 1998

• The Mental Capacity Act 2005

• Charity Commission Guidance on Safeguarding and Protecting People for Charities and Trustees

• The Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulations 2018

This Policy has been adapted from Ann Craft Trust resources



Policy approved by: Trustees
Date Policy approved: October 2023
Next review date October 2024