Enhance your students’ journeys towards work

Work Avenue is Matrix accredited, which means that our team of experienced and professional careers advisers are able to come into your school to deliver careers advice and guidance according to the Gatsby Benchmarks. Suitable for Years 7-13, our dedicated team offers virtual or in-school sessions.

We offer group sessions for up to 30 students, supporting your school’s Careers and Guidance strategy and facilitating students’ journeys towards work. The sessions are interactive, applying learning points through group discussion and exercises.

Schools programme 2024*

Years 7 & 8:

What’s next?

1 Hour • £195

An introduction to early thinking about careers and the world of work

Year 9:

Pathway to work

1 hour • £195

A brainstorming session to focus the mind on adult life – identifying strengths, development areas and ways in which students can equip themselves to achieve their aspirations

Years 10 & 11:


1 hour • £195

Covering networking to gain employment opportunities, professional conduct and maximising work experience

Year 11:

CVs and application forms

1 hour • £195

Covering why we need CVs, what should be included, how they should be written and sending them to prospective employers

Years 12 & 13:

Interview skills

1 hour • £195

An interactive session including role-play interviews and tricks & tips to prepare for successful University, Seminary or Employment interviews

Years 12 & 13:

University and other alternatives

1 hour • £195

Learning more about options after school, how to apply for University and the other options available including apprenticeships

Years 11-13:

Bespoke one-to-one careers advice

Half day £350
Full day £625
POA for alternative requirements

One-to-one sessions with individual students to provide information and guidance on their chosen career path

To book a session call 020 8371 3280.


Or click below to complete our request form

*A member of staff must be present in all workshops