MM slash DD slash YYYY
How many meetings have you had with your mentor?(Required)
How easy has it been to organise meetings?(Required)
How useful have the meetings been?(Required)
On a scale of 1-5 (where 5 means you’ve achieved your goal(s) and 1 means you haven’t moved towards it) how well have your expectations been met?(Required)
How much has your confidence increased as a result of meeting with your mentor? (1 means it hasn't and 5 means it has)(Required)
How much have the meetings increased your skills/ knowledge? (1 means it hasn't and 5 means it has)(Required)
How much have the meetings helped you to expand your network? (1 means it hasn't and 5 means it has)(Required)
Would you be happy for someone to call you to ask you about your experiences with Work Avenue?(Required)