MM slash DD slash YYYY
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Microsoft Office Skills
Preferred sectors to work in (Tick as many as applicable)
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I consent to Work Avenue storing my personal data (this means we will keep your data secure on our database so we can continue to provide the best possible service to you)(Required)

Terms and conditions section:

Complaints and communication between you and us

Our aim is to offer all our clients an efficient and effective service at all times, and we hope that you will be entirely satisfied with the service that we provide. However, if you have any queries or for some reason you are unhappy then please email us at


Work Avenue is a charitable organisation and client services are provided entirely free of charge. However, donations are always welcome to cover our running costs.


Please note that we do not provide legal advice or carry on any regulated activity such as advising or arranging financial services. We are a referral partner for the Government’s Start Up Loan scheme and will offer advice for this product as appropriate.  Whilst we can offer specific recommendations, we will always suggest that you seek the advice of a qualified lawyer, accountant or financial services professional – who may charge a fee for his/her service. The decision will be yours and neither Work Avenue nor its personnel accept any liability or responsibility for the consequences of your final decisions.


The information that we offer is given to you in good faith but without any liability on the part of Work Avenue, its trustees, mentors, experts or personnel. The advice we recommend we believe to be correct at the time it is given, but its accuracy is not guaranteed and does not obviate the need to seek appropriate professional advice. Indeed, where indicated it is your responsibility that professional advice is obtained.