I would like to employ someone

Do you have a vacancy? We would love to hear from you! Our clients are seeking work opportunities across a range of sectors and we offer a personalised and dynamic job placement service helping communal businesses and organisations to fill vacancies.

We provide full support to make the process as efficient and easy as possible. Our job placement service includes:

  • Assistance with creating your job description including salary or other recruitment advice.
  • Promoting your vacancy on the Work Avenue jobs board and Work Avenue social media job groups.
  • Proactive recommendations from Work Avenue’s employment team of jobseekers we have personally met and feel would be a suitable match for your role.

We do not work commercially; we are a charity and our goal is to help people into work and to support sustainability of community businesses. Following a successful job placement, we will contact you to request a donation to Work Avenue so that we are able to continue offering our services.

Next steps:
If you already have a job description, please email a copy and any additional information about the role to melissa@theworkavenue.org.uk
If you don’t have a job description, please complete our form below, which will be submitted to our job placement team.
Please note that we will not advertise your role in public without contacting you once the job details have been received.